The Asset 2024

The Asset, in support of the importance of infrastructure to the region’s future, shines the spotlight on this sector with The Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure Awards. The awards honours the institutions and the deals in Asia that made a difference during the review period covering January to December each year. This year, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas has been honoured with the following award(s):

The Asset Triple A Sustainable Infrastructure Awards 2024

Project Finance Law Firm of the Year
Renewable Energy Deal of the Year – Solar Adani Green Energy Twenty Four A Limited, Adani Green Energy Twenty Four B Limited, Adani Green Energy Twenty Five A Limited, Adani Green Energy Twenty Five B Limited, Adani Green Energy Twenty Six B Limited US$1.35 billion green debt financing Legal adviser
Renewable Energy Deal of the Year – Biomass SAEL Biomass Energy US$90.5 million equivalent loan facility Legal adviser
Digital Infrastructure Deal of the Year DC Development Noida Limited US$213 million project financing Legal adviser
Petrochemical Deal of the Year HPCL Rajasthan Refinery 486.25 billion rupees syndicated term loan facility Legal adviser