
Help navigate the complexities of this fast-evolving space

ESG intersects and influences all business operations and decisions. Businesses and their supply chains face real and material ESG risks, while low carbon transition presents the opportunity of the century. Driven by these risks and opportunities, ESG has become a key consideration for investment decisions by investors and banks. The increased investor-focus and unrelenting market and activist forces have pushed ESG deeper into corporate conscience and DNA. With its overarching impact on people, livelihood, economy, and development, business actions on ESG, including those of the investors, are increasingly being guided, directed, and controlled by government policies, laws, and regulations.

ESG disclosures for own operations and value chain, assurance of disclosures, ESG Rating Providers and the rating process, ESG themed funds, Green Debt Instruments such as green bonds and transition bonds are regulated in India. There are impending regulations relating to compliance carbon market (Carbon Credit Trading Scheme), climate risk scenario analysis and stress testing by banks and NBFCs, and green washing. Many of the EU ESG regulations such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) are also expected to impact Indian businesses.

Directors and management of companies are facing the dual challenges of transparently managing ESG risks and protecting the company and themselves from allegations of ineptitude, green washing, and possible litigations and liability.

At Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (CAM), we understand these challenges. We also understand that, as a law firm, we need deep ESG expertise to help our clients navigate these challenging scenarios. That is why we have created an ESG practice combining our best-in-class legal expertise and market-leading ESG technical expertise. CAM is fully geared to help you navigate the complexities of this fast-evolving space.

• We provide strategic advice on multidisciplinary aspects in the ESG space.

• Our team of experts are known for their tailor-made solutions to a range of issues covering the entire ecosystem of ESG.

• We engage with regulatory bodies on regular basis to provide legal and regulatory inputs in ESG space.