What is Prarambh?

Prarambh is India’s first-ever legal tech incubator at a Law Firm. Through Prarambh CAM aims to augment the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, identify domestic talent and support upcoming technologies in the business and practice of law.

Have there been any cohorts before?

Yes, the details of the first cohort can be found at Prarambh – India’s First Legal Tech Incubator – Alumni

Where is Prarambh located?

Prarambh is located at our New Delhi office. However, this year due to the ongoing pandemic the cohort will run virtually.

What will be the duration of the cohort?

The duration of the cohort will be 10 weeks which may be extended at the discretion of the firm.

Do we have to be a company to apply?

Yes, applications are open to registered businesses which have been in existence for at least one year.

What kind of help will CAM provide in the incubator?

Under Prarambh, the selected innovator companies will be provided mentorship, counselling and guidance by the Prarambh team. They will enjoy access to the knowledge, resources and experience of some of the best legal minds in the country. Prarambh will also seek to guide the member companies towards fruition of their idea by providing suitable platform to showcase their business to potential clients and investors. Additionally, we will help them in Beta testing of their developed products.

When is the deadline to apply for joining Prarambh?

You can apply between 12th October to 25th October.

When can we expect to hear back after we apply?

The list of shortlisted startups will be announced on 30th October. The candidates will be invited for a virtual interview and pitching in November which will be followed by an announcement of successful candidates on 30th  November.

We are an early stage startup, can we apply for cohort 2?

As we are hosting a virtual cohort due to the ongoing pandemic, this cohort is specially focussed on development and/or ready to scale startups. If you’re an early stage startup, you can apply for the next cohort in 2021.

Who can apply at Prarambh?

We will work in partnership with young entrepreneurs having products in the ‘Development‘ and/or ‘Ready to Scale’ stage, that possess the ability to fuel growth in the legal industry. This will include areas related but not limited to:

  • Access to Justice: Technologies which enable people to exercise their rights and encourages participation in the legal system. These technologies can be related to but not limited to web-based justice delivery systems, integrations with emerging and existing court technologies, transcription and translation of all regional languages, online dispute resolution and legal education.

  • Increasing transactional efficiencies: Tools and platforms which increase collaboration and efficiency of lawyers and legal departments, automate tasks and create integrated workflows.

  • Improving law firm operations: Technologies and tools which boost productivity, drive profitability, enhance alignment with clients and improve the business of law.

  • Improving litigation competencies: Technologies and platforms which enhance the practice of litigation teams and allows them to develop strategies, analyse case laws, predict outcomes, evaluate expected costs and keep abreast with caselaws and developments.

  • Accessing government programs and reforms: Platforms which enlist government programs and reforms and allows clients to comprehend and assess its applicability to them.

  • Remote workforce: Technologies and platforms which enable remote working including but not limited to communication and collaboration tools, platforms for secure file sharing, digitization of the practice of law, digital libraries etc.

  • Other: Other ‘innovative’ ideas that you think will help transform the legal fraternity within the post COVID world, please provide a brief description of your product offering and how the same seeks to overcome challenges for the legal fraternity in the post COVID world. 

The startup is already earning revenue, do we fit in the incubator program?

Yes, you can certainly apply at Prarambh if you are keen to collaborate with CAM to improve your existing product.

The startup has already received funding. Can we still join Prarambh?

Yes, you certainly can.

I am a single founder, am I still eligible to join?

Yes, you are eligible to join Prarambh.

What happens after I submit my application?

The applications will be open to technology startups with a product or service meant for the legal industry. We are looking at admitting those companies which are in the development and/or ready to scale stage of their product. The applications will be reviewed by the mentor team at Prarambh and only short-listed startups will be invited for a virtual interview and pitching session.

What is the main criteria to select a startup for the Prarambh program?

Selection will be based on various parameters including the overall innovative character, user validation, technical and business competency of the core team, financial and/or commercial viability of the project and long-term impact on the legal industry.

What is my schedule going to be if accepted into the incubator?

We will work with the selected startups to understand their specific needs and design a work calendar in agreement with them. A virtual workspace will be created, and meetings will be organised through Webex. The sessions will be divided into one-on-one personalised sessions which will focus on the development of the product and group sessions for common areas of development. We will also, share a meticulously designed Prarambh program which will include sessions with Subject Matter Experts, industry leaders and investors to guide and motivate the startups.

Where can I find the application form?

The application form will be available at https://tinyurl.com/Prarambh2020 from 12th October to 25th October.